Sunday, January 8, 2012

David Miller - San Pedro Homes

David is a junior double majoring in biology and chemistry from Zionsville, IN.Yesterday we crossed the lake and did some home visits across Lake Atitlan in the town of San Pedro. I think I speak for all of us when I say that home visits were our favorite things to do on the trip. The people openly welcomed us into their homes and were quick to open up about their medical issues. I have been lucky to be in Nurse Bonnie's group. If any of you reading this out there are looking for Spanglish lessons, contact her because she is an absolute pro. A cool part about the home visits is that each group is completely self-sufficient and has to use limited resources to help the people we see along the way. Our group, for example, ran out of Tylenol, which is a key drug around here. Almost all of the elderly here complain of pain due to decades of extremely hard work farming on the mountain sides. So, we had to restock and went to buy it from a local pharmacy, which is an interesting experience let me tell you! There is nothing is more rewarding than seeing the smile on a patient’s face after leaving them medicine that they can't afford to buy themselves, but which will truly help them feel better.

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