Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nurse Bonnie's reflection

It's been 11 days since we've returned from our mission to Guatemamla. So many thoughts and memories remain with me daily as I get back into my very privileged and grateful way of life. Over the course of a week we treated many families. We visited their homes (huts, shacks). We got to know them with their wonderful smiles on their faces and their deep connections to their past. So much poverty and yet so hopeful and appreciative for everything. During the week we pondered over our own issues of defining happiness. When is enough, enough??? How do these people with so little appear to have so much? They are deeply connected to each other, their communities, their history and freedom. What a gift for us to be able to be part of these beautiful lives for one week. Once again we were accompanied by amazing young people from Xavier University. These students opened their hearts and lives to spend their vacation week helping make the world a better place. They have already learned the greatest gift of all- giving of oneself completely. AND THEY ALL DID THAT SO VERY WELL. Our leaders of the trip, Rabbi Abie Ingber and Amy, make everything flow so well. But we know the hard work that it took for so many months to put this trip together and we are so very grateful to them both. To my colleagues- Lauri, Richard and Cathy- what a gift!!! Their leadership and compassion was infectious and their energy, spirit and goodness was a blessing for all!!!!!.

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